Wigs for Kids
Did you know it takes an average of 20-30 donated ponytails to make just 1 single wig for a cancer patient?!! Did you know that the average

What causes Thinning Hair--and how do I fix it?
What causes Thinning Hair--and how do I fix it? Thinning hair is not just a problem that men experience. Many women struggle with...

How does CBD oil in Skincare work?
Perhaps we need to back up and start with, WHAT is CBD oil and how does it work in general. Then we'll dive into its use in skin care pr

Big Beauty Trends for 2019: Formulation transparency will become commonplace
Big Beauty Trends for 2019: Formulation Transparency Will Become Commonplace The latest in skincare is questioning the science behind it....

Big Beauty Trends for 2019: Health and beauty will further converge
Big Beauty Trends for 2019: Health and beauty will further converge Arguably, 2018 will become known as the year where wellness-driven...

Big Beauty Trends for 2019: Diversity and Inclusion
Big Beauty Trends for 2019: Diversity and Inclusion Though we’ve made big strides toward including diversity and inclusion the beauty...

Big Beauty Trends for 2019: Beauty Regimes Streamline
Big Beauty Trends for 2019: Beauty Regimes Streamline With sustainability on the mind, skin care regimens are following suit. Lisa Payne,...

Big Beauty Trends for 2019: Sustainability
Big Beauty Trends for 2019: Sustainability We’re pretty far into 2019, so some of these may be pretty obvious to you. You may already be...

Hair Trends 2019: Part 7, Glossy Hair
Hair Trends 2019: Part 7, Glossy Hair So this trend is a little funny because, let’s face it, we all want glossy hair, like, all the...

Hair Trends 2019: Part 2, Grey Hair
Hair Trends 2019: Part 2, Grey Hair Grey hair has had a bad rap for a long time. Though grey hair can come at a range of different ages,...