What kind of Blonde are you?
If you're a blonde then you know that there's a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes to keep your locks looking good. From getting the tones right to keeping your hair healthy and strong, there's just a lot of maintenance involved in keeping your hair the right shade of blonde and keeping it healthy. Thankfully, Kérastase has a whole line made specifically for blondes called Blond Absolu.
What kind of Blonde are you?
According to Kérastase, there are six iconic shades of blonde. Kérastase has matched a routine specific to each shade: grey, platinum, ash, highlighted, honey, and golden. You can visit the Kérastase page to discover which blonde you are, if you don't already know: https://www.kerastase-usa.com/collections/blond-absolu-blonde-hair-care?utm_medium=email_brand&utm_source=sfmc&utm_campaign=ACG2_KER_USA_RM2-1104-Blond-Absolu_3_2020&utm_content=body-check-out&utm_source=sfmc&utm_medium=email&utm_term=body-check-out&utm_content=333455&utm_id=ba03fc3b-fe77-4c18-8de0-9c443d9dff52&sfmc_id=216543155&sfmc_activityid=bbb139b4-671f-4b5e-81fa-00599beae7b8
Once you have identified which blonde you are, Kérastase outlines the appropriate Blond Absolu regime to follow.

In between salon visits
There's plenty of work to be done in the salon when you're blonde, but in order to preserve what was done in the salon, there's also care to be done in between salon visits. Kérastase Blond Absolu makes your life easier. Kérastase Blond Absolu will correct tone, improve luminosity, fortify, and moisturize.
Holiday Gift Sets
The Kérastase holiday gift sets are in at both salons, so even if you're gifting to yourself, you don't want to miss out on these savings! Stock up to increase savings. With neutralizing and caring properties, this collection works to preserve the look of every blonde.