What is Hair-Fall?

What is Hair-Fall?
Do you experience excessive hair-fall? Do you know what it is and what it isn’t? Everyone loses hair, it’s a natural part of your body. That being said, how much is too much hair-fall? Are there are contributing factors to hair-fall that we can control or influence? Read on to hear from a team of experts from Kérastase discuss these topics.
What is Hair-fall?
Dr. Laura Scott
Dermatologist based out of Miami, FL
There are two types of hair-fall, hair-fall that comes directly from root/scalp. And there’s hair-fall that Dr. Scott refers to as shedding, which occurs from hair shaft, when it breaks off and the hair falls from there. A normal rate of hair-fall is losing 50-200 hairs per day, any more than that, and it’s considered a problem. Specific bald spots or hair that’s falling in a specific distribution is abnormal.
What are the impacts of nutrition and diets on hair-fall?
Dr. Megan Rossi
Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist based in London
As with every part of the body, nutritious diets are important to hair health. People who go on very restrictive diets or dramatic diets and lose weight fast are at higher risk for hair fall. Dr. Megan Rossi recommends a varied diet that includes things such as proteins and macronutrients, for maximum hair health.
Is hair Fall genetic?
Dr. Laura Scott
Androgenetic alopecia is a type of genetic hair-fall, also known as, male pattern baldness. Alopecia Areata is another form of genetic hair-fall, which is more discrete areas of baldness. Hair-fall can also be caused by lifestyle and styling choices.
Does collagen rich food boost my hair?
Dr. Megan Rossi
Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist based in London
Hair is mostly protein and collagen is a protein. Your body can’t distinguish whether the protein comes from a steak, lentils, nuts, etc, versus a collagen-based foods. When we digest it, our body breaks it down into amino acids, which help build our hair. Our body doesn’t distinguish whether it comes from collagen, which can be expensive if you’re using supplements versus whole foods.
What causes my hair to fall?
David Lucas
Kérastase Hairstylist in Paris
David tells us that there are two types of hair-fall: Reactional and Progressive. Reactional hair-fall, which is hair-fall as a result of an incident. Such as stress, pregnancy, or a restricted diet. Progressive hair-fall is something that happens over time. The bulb becomes weak and thin over time.
Should I avoid tying up my hair?
David Lucas
Kérastase Hairstylist in Paris
Tying your hair up will not cause hair to fall from the roots, but it can break the fiber. Avoid using plastic hair ties, as they pull the hair too much. David suggests using the hook type hair elastics.
Can stress cause Hair-Fall?
Dr. Laura Scott
Telogen effluvium is a type of hair-fall when we diffusely lose hair all around the scalp. Causes can be physical stress, such as, illness or surgery. Another cause is mental stress, like going through a stressful event in our lives.
It’s common to begin to see the hair fall around 2-3 months after the event. Typically a limited event, but sometimes can be in a more chronic form, due to chronic stress.
Will pregnancy affect my hair?
Dr. Laura Scott
Pregnancy is a great time for the hair. The change in hormones, specifically, the increase in estrogen, causes the hair to stop falling at the normal rate that it does. Thus,the hair stays on the scalp. After pregnancy, we lose that estrogen, the hair that was being held on to, falls. Just like Telogen effluvium, it tends to occur 2-3 months after delivery. This is a temporary type of hair loss. Once the hormones normalize and go back to the way they were, you should see your hair go back to how it was prior to pregnancy.
Hopefully you now understand hair-fall, its causes, and how to avoid things that cause an increase in hair fall. Keep an eye out on our website and social media sites for more on hair fall and solutions to your hair-fall problems!