Women’s Health: Breast Cancer Awareness

Women’s Health: Breast Cancer Awareness
As we approach October and Breast Cancer Awareness month, we thought we would take this opportunity to focus this week’s blog post on women’s health, in general, but specifically, Breast Cancer. This is a topic that is near and dear to us at f.u.e.l., as we have had two of our team members diagnosed with breast cancer this past year. We are reminded of the importance of regular mammograms and blessed to be a part of such an amazing team and community to help these strong women through it!
Breast Cancer affects 1 in every 6 women. That is an alarming statistic, but hits close to home for so many of us. This year, f.u.e.l. is getting involved! We will be walking in the Susan G Komen, More Than Pink walk on September 29th. Our goal is to raise $2,500 and we need your support! You can donate to our team or to a specific team member by click on this page http://www.info-komen.org/site/TR?team_id=432266&pg=team&fr_id=7752&et=OXpmWZO4tkumKH2UDC21GQ

If you want to donate to the team, scroll to the bottom of the page where it says “make a team donation” (see above). We also have donation boxes at each salon where you’re welcome to contribute. If you’d like to join our team, we’d love to have you! Click on the “join our team” link to sign up. We’re going to have tank tops made for the race, so if you’d like one, please sign up by Saturday, September 21st. Thank you for all of your love and support!